Studio released "Marvel" and the "Disney" made the first ad for the film Action and science fiction Avengers: Age of Ultron, which is the second part of the featured film The Avengers
The launch of the first ad made officially, came a few hours after the leak of a poor copy of the ad itself, which was scheduled to launch in the twenty-eighth of October.
Advertising included footage never-before-seen for "Oltron" (James Spader), and witnessed the emergence of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) famous armor, green man (Mark Ruffalo), next to the new two characters charming scarlet (Elizabeth Olsen) and mercurial (Aaron Taylor Johnson) .
In the second part, "Tony Stark" is trying to re-launch dormant peacekeeping program, but things veer completely off track, and it is now in the hands of "The Avengers" to stop villain "Oltron" , to embark on his terrible plans.
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