Thursday, 18 December 2014

Russian opposition: Putin's days are counted

Russian opposition leader warned President Vladimir Putin, that his days in power are counted, while Russia awaits the reaction of the president on the sharp decline in the value of the ruble.
And gave former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, who was an ally of Putin, is responsible for the growing economic crisis on the economic mismanagement of Putin, and Western sanctions, due to the crisis in Ukraine, and the decline in world oil prices.
Kasyanov said (57 years) for "Reuters", in an interview Wednesday: "Russia is on the brink of the abyss. 2015 should be the year that Putin made a fundamental decision. "
He warned that the president may face protests, saying that Putin may choose to "increase pressure on political atmosphere", meaning tighter restrictions on critics or accept the fact "that he needed an exit strategy," and agrees to hold early elections.
He added, "As a result (it should be) to go out quietly by the presidential election. I do not think he will win the election, if they were free and fair. "


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