Chicago teachers agree to resume in-person lessons

Chicago public schools are set to continue in-person classes after the city's teachers union backed a plan with the local school district to create new safety measures against the pandemic, ending a nearly week-long standoff. .

Trump accuses media of lying about the crowds that attended the inauguration

the US president, Donald Trump, Saturday, and severely media the day after he was sworn in, accusing it of lying about the estimated number of people who attended the inauguration ceremony..

The excesses of the FBI office right Twitter others

Legal experts said that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) exceeded apparently the scope of the existing legal guidance in the application of some types of Internet records from a company Twitter over the past year, and cited two things to observe without obtaining official permission Friday published by the social networking company.a.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Steven Seagal

 On Tuesday, Hollywood action star attended the first gathering of the International Movement of Russophiles in Moscow, where he was already a celebrity among Russians. During the event's press conference, he shared his thoughts on the Russian-American relationship, noting that there are still many Americans who oppose it. He also spoke of his Russian ancestry — his grandfather had emigrated to America from Russia — and what being Russian means to him.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

The jury returns the guilty verdict in Trump's trial

Ex-president's two New York businesses charged with tax fraud

New York prosecutors have criminalized two of former President Donald Trump's companies on fraud charges and convinced jurors they hoped to help the chief executive avoid taxes by placing some of his pay as a lien.

A New York County grand jury in Manhattan on Tuesday found the Trump Corporation and Trump Payroll Inc guilty on a combined 17 counts. The companies face fines of up to $1.6 million.

The former president has not been charged in the case and did not appear in court. One of his attorneys, Susan Nichols, said the evidence showed Trump was not involved in the related lawsuit.

Allen Weissenberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive director, is the only person charged with ties to the tax system. The 75-year-old former treasurer pleaded guilty in August under an agreement with prosecutors that would spare him up to 15 years in prison if convicted at trial. Instead, he only had to work 100 days after agreeing to testify against the two defendant companies.

Weissenberg's deputy, Jeffrey McCone, also testified after being granted immunity. He admitted to arranging paperwork that would have allowed the chief financial officer and other executives to avoid paying some of the taxes they would have paid, at the direction of Weissenberg.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Chicago teachers agree to resume in-person lessons


Chicago public schools are set to continue in-person classes after the city's teachers union backed a plan with the local school district to create new safety measures against the pandemic, ending a nearly week-long standoff.


The Chicago Teachers' Union (CTU) Board of Delegates voted to resume face-to-face learning Monday, suspending a labor dispute that has led teachers to refuse to give lessons in person starting last week. Under the new plan, schools will reopen on Wednesday.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

"World Health": "Santa Claus" is immune to "Corona"

 Celebrating Christmas is usually a joy that enters the hearts of children looking for gifts from their mythical "Santa Claus", but "Christmas" this year is different in light of the Corona outbreak .. and with strict preventive measures, children fear that "Santa Claus" will be infected with the virus, and thus it is transmitted to them. Infection, or unable t give his gifts.

In this regard, the World Health Organization sent a message to children around the world that Santa Claus "Santa Claus" has immunity to the Corona virus, which will enable him to safely present gifts on Christmas Day.

Maria Van Kerkhove, the supervisor of the Pandemic Department at the organization, confirmed, saying: "I understand the concern about Santa Claus because he is old and therefore from an age group that the epidemic poses a greater threat to .. But I can tell you that Santa Claus is immune to this virus."

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Monday 25 May 2020

Corona's potential treatment date

Seth Berkeley, CEO of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), told a Swiss newspaper, that the first indications of the effectiveness of a possible vaccine against the Corona virus can appear in the fall, predicting a long way between this development and the widespread availability of the vaccine.

"Unfortunately, we do not really know which vaccine will work, and whether it is possible that there will be a vaccine at all. If we are lucky, we will see the first indications in the fall regarding efficacy," Berkeley said. Relates to a possible vaccine. "